
Seeking out the luminous and the liminal…

about liminous

Seeking out the luminous and the liminal, that which emerges from the margins and flickers just beyond the horizon. Navigating the complexities and uncertainties of our times, guided by solidarity, curiosity and imagination. Exploring the liminality of change and transition with care for the people, places and cultures we come into contact with. Fostering experiments that illuminate how things are and could be otherwise…

actively liminous

Liminous works across a spectrum of activities with a focus on engaging with change, including personal, collective and cultural transitions. Our current activity strands include research, development, retreats and publications.


Exploring the stories, situations and signals of a Larger Reality to bring fresh insights into what is, what is not, and what might yet be. Research commissions can include collaborative projects, workshops, study groups and fieldwork.


Support for experimental projects and imaginative initiatives that engage with environmental, social and economic uncertainty, on the frontline of cultural change. The Myriad Fund resources and advises people working in concert with whom they share the planet, leading by example.


Quiet places for practices of concentration and contemplation. An Outer Refugia for silence, attention, for unscheduled time and truly transdisciplinary collaboration. Providing retreats, residencies and transiencies we tend to transitional periods of inception or subsiding for individuals, collectives and organisations.


As Liminous Editions we publish printed material and digital media that emerge from our activities. We keep a collection of transdisciplinary reference material, experimental publications, artist books, recordings and ephemera, which is accessible to researchers, collaborators and guests.

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Liminous custodians

Stichting Liminous
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
KVK 84830859
RSIN 863397839
Liminous is a part of the FoAM network.

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